Who Said Dat?
​Vegan Colored Glasses aims to educate its followers on the diversity of the vegan lifestyle through the perspective of 3 Black, but very different 20+ year vegans of the same family.​

Who Said Dat?
Naomi Sams is a mother, 20-plus-year vegan, life/health coach, and co-owner of Like Mom’s Only Vegan. After a friend
shared information about veganism over 20 years ago, Naomi, who had already excluded red meat from her diet,
decided that she and her family would begin to eat a diet of compassion, with the intent to eliminate animal products
from their entire lifestyle. After many failed experiments and disgusting trials, she finally comfortably settled into plant-
based living, even starting a dessert business, Like Mom’s Only Vegan. Here on Vegan Colored Glasses, Naomi plans to
share her perspectives on veganism, homeschooling, parenting, and how they all intersect for her.
Who Said Dat?
Naimah is a 25+ year vegan model, designer, and artist after being converted to the lifestyle at only 2 years old by her parents. Growing up she was taught to prepare meals using whole foods and plant-based meat substitutes, and was educated on the variety of benefits and motivations behind having a vegan diet. Her ways of eating sparked conversations with her peers in adulthood, leading Naimah to become interested in exploring the boundlessness of vegan cuisine. Without realizing it, many of the things she was raised around, such as gardening, spirituality, and African & Black Diasporan culture would prepare her to be a part of the growing voice of Black veganism and the Black vegan community. To Be Vegan & Black, a Cincinnati-based project she now leads, was launched in 2022, and it is documenting this voice, and how Black vegans are cultivating a plant-based culture of their own. In spite of what main-stream vegan culture promotes, research shows that Black culture is rich enough for Black vegans to adjust their eating habits without leaving their identities behind. Naimah's aspiration is to continue to offer vegan-focused culturally relevant events and online content that makes use of her own artistic talents to inspire Black converts to be creative and expressive with their plant-based food.

Who Said Dat?
My lady, Nacala, has been vegan all 20 years of her hardworking life. The madam's desire to spread knowledge and tips on veganism and a more natural living nudged her on a journey to blogging, social media, and local events in her town. On her journey, she found her love for experimenting with recipes, she came across gardening, and an undying love for bread, despite the fact she may or may not have a gluten intolerance. She spends most of her free time toggling a variety of hobbies such as watching anime, reading, sewing, gaming, occasionally playing the violin, writing, and killing houseplants.